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The Scoop: Students Lead Through Service

Posted Date: 1/24/25 (11:14 PM)

A classroom scene with students working on art projects, with the headline 'THE SCOOP YOUR OHPS NEWS' and a 'LEVY SUPPORTED' stamp.
district updates. stay informed
Oak Harbor Schools Levy Funds Award-Winning Programs
Oak Harbor Public Schools is asking voters to consider renewing our local levy in a special election on February 11 to provide funding to maintain important student programs and services.

The local levy provides funding for every school and includes:
  • School nurses, mental health counselors, and school safety enhancements
  • Special education, paraeducators, academic counselors, and smaller class sizes
  • Student programs like athletics, intramurals, visual and performing arts
  • Classroom technology, Chromebooks, and curriculum software
This renews the levy expiring at the end of 2025 that fully funds our athletics programs and also provides art, theater, and music education programs for our students. Learn more by watching this video featuring Oak Harbor High School Athletic Coordinator Jay Turner and Choir Director Darren McCoy.
Learn More About the Levy
A man in a blue jacket speaks to a group of people gathered around a table in a classroom.
A speaker addresses a group of students and staff at a school board meeting, with the words 'Welcome School Board Members' displayed on a screen.
OHHS Students Host Luncheon for School Board
This week Oak Harbor High School leadership students hosted a luncheon to recognize and connect with school board members. Board members, district administrators, and students discussed leadership topics, current issues in our schools, and got to know each other over lunch. Thank you to Mrs. Schulle and her students, and to Principal Salisbury for coordinating this annual tradition!
A young girl smiles for a school photo, wearing a colorful sweater.
Director Tesch's Student Experience
For School Board Recognition Month we've asked our school board members share reflections of their student experience.

School Board Director Nicole Tesch is a graduate of Oak Harbor Public Schools and is now the proud mom of five children, four of which are in three different schools in Oak Harbor. Her husband is also a Wildcat alum and her family has been in Oak Harbor schools since 1934! Director Tesch is pictured here as a second grade student of Crescent Harbor Elementary.

"One of my favorite school memories is being Mr. Reed's teacher's assistant," said Director Tesch. "He made history come alive in such a fun and memorable way, especially with 'the ball.' More than that, he challenged me to push myself as a student. He always believed in me, reminding me that I was capable, smart, and could achieve anything I set my mind to. His encouragement and support meant the world to me and still does.”
Learn About Our School Board
Guidance & Resources for Immigrant Families
In response to conversations and actions underway at the federal level, the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) released guidance on state and federal protections for immigrant students in Washington’s K–12 public schools

Part of our collective work as #OneOakHarbor is to provide a safe and welcoming school environment for all students. Aligned with state and federal laws, OHPS Board Policy (BP 3226 & 3226P) outlines steps in place to minimize interruption to schools.

As a reminder, Oak Harbor Public Schools does not:
  • collect or have access to the immigration status of students or family members
  • exclude students from receiving an education or unlawfully discriminate against anyone because of their race, color, national origin, age, disability, gender identity, immigration or citizenship status, sex, creed, use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, or sexual orientation
A group of people collaborate around a table in a library, with bookshelves in the background.
What is CFAC?
Oak Harbor Public Schools is being intentional about including the school community in decision-making. One of the ways we involve our community is through committees.

The Capital Facilities Advisory Committee (CFAC) began in the 2023-2024 school year to work collaboratively with Oak Harbor Public Schools to analyze facilities planning data, develop project options, and make a recommendation to the School Board of Directors for future capital improvement projects. The committee consists of community members, staff and parent/guardians.

Currently, the committee is engaging in high-level discussions about potential capital projects to best meet our Strategic Plan Foundation of providing "State of the Art Facilities" for students. The role of the committee is to provide feedback, alternative options and analyze data to advise school leaders on next steps before engaging with the School Board and full community on any potential projects.
Learn More About CFAC
community spirit oneoakharbor
Let's Catch Up!
Want to learn more about the upcoming levy renewal? Oak Harbor Public School leaders will be joining the City of Oak Harbor for a Community Catch Up event on January 28 at 6 PM at the Center in Oak Harbor.
An invitation to a Community Catch Up event in Oak Harbor, Washington, on January 28th at 6:00pm at The Center (51 SE Jerome Street, Oak Harbor).
learning and fun happening in our schools
“Today is about unity and freedom for me,”
- Student Stephen Robles when asked what MLK meant to him.
Four young women stand together, one holding a microphone and another holding a basket.
A young man in a navy uniform speaks at a podium with a Navy JROTC insignia.
A group of young people stand outside, holding bags of trash they collected during a cleanup effort.
Students Honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Legacy
In recognition of MLK Day, OHHS students participated in an assembly hosted by Student-Leadership, which acknowledged several OHHS clubs that are committed to serving the community and the school.

The assembly focused on service ideals of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., which connected to the missions of each club. As a way to promote student activity in clubs, five different clubs came up with a service activity for students to take part in. They were able to share the mission of their club, what it does, when they meet, and how to become a part of that club. 

  • CARE Club provides service to the community by visiting retirement homes, making cards, and more including care for staff at OHHS. Seniors helped CARE Club by creating Valentine’s Day Cards for residents in local retirement homes in the community.
  • Ecology Club’s mission is to promote environmental consciousness and educate our community on how to be more sustainable. Juniors helped this mission by painting peace rocks, which will be used to create a peace garden on campus. 
  • Art Guild provides an environment for artists to gather and express creativity. The club is also involved in community events. Sophomores were instructed to color and design balloons which will be used to make a collaborative balloon mural to show university and diversity in the school.
  • S.P.A.R.K., which stands for Students Promoting Awareness, Resilience, and Knowledge serves the community by volunteering in elementary schools in the community to aid teachers and mentor students. The freshman helped this mission by decorating bookmarks to donate to local elementary schools.
  • The National Honor Society inspires and recognizes students who demonstrate excellence in scholarship, leadership, service, and character. They hosted a Campus Clean-Up which certain classes participated in to demonstrate principles of service in the community.
Reporting by OHHS Student Emelyn Payne ‘26
Photography by OHHS Yearbook Students
A speaker addresses a crowd at a school event, with a photo of Mr. Vester on the screen behind him.
A group of students and a teacher pose for a photo in a gymnasium, with a projection of Martin Luther King Jr. and his quote 'I have a dream' behind them.
North Whidbey Middle School Leadership students also coordinated an assembly honoring Dr. King. Former student, Mr. Jahleel Vester inspired the students with reminders of community, hope, gratitude, believing in yourself, and the legacy of Dr. King. 

The Leadership class asked the students to recite quotes, fill out footsteps of kindness to be displayed throughout the school, coordinated a themed spirit week, and painted faces. 
Four people participate in a game, pulling on a long blue rope in a gymnasium.
A group of children and adults gather around a table, working on a craft project with colorful paper and markers.
Oak Harbor Elementary School's STEAM Family Night was a huge success! Thank you to families and staff who came together for an evening of learning, creativity, and fun! The evening was full of amazing projects and teamwork.
A girls wrestling team poses with their trophy after winning the Woodinville Wrecking Ball Tournament. The team is holding up their trophy and smiling.
A man smiles for the camera, wearing a grey sweatshirt with a school logo.
Athletics Highlights
  • Congratulations to the OHHS Girls Wrestling team for winning another tournament championship! This past Saturday the girls were team champions for the Woodinville Wrecking Ball Tournament! Top placers for the Wildcats include Julia Gonzales, Genesis Egli, Sarai Egli,Tatyana Cabell, Madison Yadon, Maddy Brooks, Cady Ritz, Loto Tupu, and Olivia Hudsone
  • Congratulations to assistant boys basketball coach Jan Paul who was just named a WIAA Salute to Coaches December award winner!
  • Boys Swimming, Boys Wrestling, Boys Basketball, and Cheerleading seniors were recognized this week. Congratulations, Seniors!
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Upcoming Events
  • Jan. 27 | School Board Meeting & Recognition | 6 p.m.
  • Jan. 28 | Community Catch Up @ The Center | 6 p.m.
  • Jan. 30 | Elementary Volleyball Game BVE @ OHE | 4 p.m.
  • Feb. 4 | OHHS Passport to Your Future Event for Future OHHS Students & Families | 6 p.m.
  • Feb. 4 | Grade 4 Experience Music Project @ OHHS
  • Feb. 6 | OHI Band Concert | 6 p.m.
  • Feb. 6 | OHE Grade 2 Music Program | 6 p.m.
  • Feb. 13-14 | NO SCHOOL | Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • Feb. 17 | NO SCHOOL | President's Day
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